External Scholarships / Financial Assistance / Education Loan

The alternatives scholarship that available are :



1. World Bank Scholarship Program

2. Maxis Scholarship

3. Perak State Government Education Loan 2017

4. Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan*NEW

    Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP) Cuti Belajar Bergaji Penuh (CBBP) Bagi Pegawai Pendidikan Pengajian Tinggi (Pensyarah) Sesi Pengajian 2019/2020

    Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP) Separa Biasiswa (SB) Bagi Pegawai Pendidikan Pengajian Tinggi (Pensyarah) Sesi Pengajian 2018/2019

    Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP) Bagi Staf Bukan Akademik IPTA Sesi Pengajian 2019/2020

5. Dermasa Siswaza Bagi Melanjutkan Pelajaran Zakat Kedah

6. Pinjaman Pendidikan Negeri Pulau Pinang

7. Pinjaman & Biasiswa Negeri Selangor

8. Pinjaman Yayasan Kelantan

9. Pinjaman Boleh Ubah Yayasan Bank Rakyat

10. The PTPTN Education Loan

11. MyBrain15*NEW

12. Permodalan Darul Ta'zim 2018

      a) Tabung Pendidikan Sarjana

          b) Tabung Pendidikan Kakitangan Kerajaan Kumpulan Pelaksana     

13. EPF Education Withdrawal Scheme *NEW

- The withdrawal allows you to withdraw your savings from Account 2 to finance your education. You are eligible to apply if you fulfill the following requirements:

    A Malaysian citizen or

    A Permanent Residence or

    A Non-Malaysian citizen (Expatriate) who became a member of the EPF before 1st August 1998.

    You may apply for this withdrawal scheme to cover the programme fees for every semester or one academic year (one time withdrawal in an academic year).

14. Khazanah Scholarship Programme

15. Ajinomoto Scholarship *NEW (DEADLINE 2 MARCH 2018)



1. Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) 2017

2. World Bank Scholarship Pro

Cetak   Emel